Your portfolio visually represents your career roadmap by showcasing your progression through various projects, tech stacks, and roles. This adaptability and eagerness to learn are highly valued by employers and clients alike. A frontend web developer portfolio is a great example of how you follow industry best practices in your past projects and the technology trends you monitor.

  • For instance, small business owners could wish to focus their marketing efforts just on Front end Developers who design websites for start-ups or smaller businesses.
  • For example, a software engineer portfolio will be different from portfolio projects for business analysts.
  • It can also be used by Photographers, Artists, web designers, illustrators, and more.
  • A lovely portfolio template for any web developer to showcase their CV and Resume.
  • In general, the portfolio conveys a sense of originality and confidence in his web design skills.

Check these front end developer portfolio websites to better understand how to create one for yourself. The role of a front-end developer combines the best of both sides of the brain, as it brings together the art of visual design with the technical skills of a coding expert. One of the most intimidating steps for those looking to get hired in the field is the creation of a portfolio.

What is a Front-End Web Developer Portfolio?

APIs allow frontend developers to collect, modify and delete data from a backend database. Building a site that consumes an API to display data is a great project to include on your portfolio. So long as you’ve built your portfolio website by yourself, it’s perfectly fine how to become a front end developer to include it in your projects list. If you tend to change your portfolio design regularly, you can also include previous versions. Using a template doesn’t mean you can’t adapt it to your needs. You can decide to use a template as a starting point to save some time.

front end developer portfolios

Since a web developer’s main job is creating websites and applications, an online portfolio will help showcase your technical skills and attract potential clients. A frontend developer portfolio represents a specialist’s experience that helps them showcase their skills and achievements in front-end web development. Portfolios usually come as a landing page or a website with all relevant information about the specialist. Fifth on our list of web developer portfolio examples is Cory’s website. The simple yet eye-catchy design and brilliant choice of words employed for this portfolio make it an excellent example to draw inspiration when creating your portfolio.

Host your code in a public repository

Your projects are one of the most essential components of your portfolio. By illustrating your proficiency with the tools in your tech stack, your projects will help recruiters gauge your capacity with the competencies required for the position. Most employers or clients will check if social media accounts are included in the portfolio.

  • Remember, your portfolio reflects your journey and is a powerful marketing tool that can open doors to new opportunities and career growth.
  • Monica Lent is a software engineer and founder of the Blogging For Devs community.
  • Its detailed and illustrated case studies for each project gives it an edge over its peers.
  • You should also showcase your design skills by including examples of your UI/UX designs and any other design work you have done.
  • It’s not so common to find portfolios like this one among web developers.

Jesse Zhou’s website is another web development portfolio to inspire developers that work in different areas. Using Three.js and Blender, Zhou created a 3D portfolio with an interactive experience to showcase his skills, experiences, and hobbies. Another web developer portfolio worth mentioning is Adham Dannaway’s. The homepage features an eye-catching graphic that demonstrates his coding and design skills. Despite its simple appearance, the portfolio displays elegance and meticulous attention to detail. Jack Jeznach is a front-end developer and WordPress expert with 10+ years of experience.

front-end developer portfolio examples

A pixel design graphic was used to create Cory’s distinctive heading. Cory’s portfolio design includes background animations of an orbiting celestial body representing outer space, giving the website a modern appeal. Cory’s introduction copy is superb; even though it is brief, the use of straightforward but memorable words entices readers to scroll down the page. The pastel color scheme and the visual typography elements make Afua Deborah’s portfolio stand out and be recalled. Afua is incredibly passionate about literature, diversity, and JavaScript, and this is evident in the projects section, where she displays the noteworthy work she has done.


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