By recognizing and addressing these challenges, organizations can successfully navigate the implementation of automation in DevSecOps and reap the benefits of enhanced security and efficiency. Resistance to change is another hurdle devsecops software development organizations may face when introducing automation in DevSecOps. It’s vital to effectively communicate the benefits of automation, address concerns and involve stakeholders early in the process to help overcome this resistance.

How does DevSecOps Work

Operations and security teams, in collaboration, will then set up both manual and automated security tests to ensure compliance with network configurations. Shift left is the process of checking for vulnerabilities in the earlier stages of software development. By following the process, software teams can prevent undetected security issues when they build the application. DevSecOps leads to a cultural transformation that involves software teams. Software developers no longer stick with conventional roles of building, testing, and deploying code.

Platform Domains and Responsibilities

Automate & Optimize Apps & Clouds Operate apps and infrastructure consistently, with unified governance and visibility into performance and costs across clouds. SAST tools scan proprietary or custom code for coding errors and design flaws that could lead to exploitable weaknesses. SAST tools, such as Coverity®, are used primarily during the code, build, and development phases of the SDLC. Access an exclusive Gartner analyst report and learn how AI for IT improves business outcomes, leads to increased revenue, and lowers both cost and risk for organizations. Use AWS Secrets Manager to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets through their lifecycle.

Platform governance consists of the processes around and advertisement of changes to the platform, inclusive of managing the security and availability of the platform. Is the process by which the operating system, software, and supporting services are upgraded. The decision of which metrics to track is largely based on business need and compliance requirements. This framework labels individual metrics as “High-Value” or “Supporting”. High-Value metrics are those that provide the most critical insight into the performance of a DevSecOps platform, and should be prioritized for implementation. Supporting metrics are those that a team may find useful to improve their DevSecOps platform.

What Are the Benefits of DevSecOps?

DevSecOps can increase system quality, reduce costs and capability time-to-value, and minimize cognitive differences among all key system stakeholders. Traditional waterfall models are slow and tedious processes, which often don’t mesh well with the breakneck pace of modern development. However, reconciling the two makes security automation tools a necessity in DevSecOps environments. Like agile, DevSecOps is also built around a continuous development and testing process, using a cycling build-test-deploy workflow to keep delivery frequency high while ensuring overall high quality of code. There are automated tests, then a version is built eventually it deployed to production.

  • Not only does consistent testing lead to secure code, but it also avoids last-minute delays by spreading the work predictably and consistently throughout the project.
  • By leveraging automation and continuously enhanced processes, DevSecOps improves overall security through increased and wider code coverage.
  • Conduct risk assessments to help identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, allowing for appropriate security controls to be implemented.
  • For instance, validating their Transport Layer Security and Digital Rights Management certificates.
  • There are utilities available that can continuously check a database of known vulnerabilities to quickly identify any issues with existing code dependencies.
  • SAST tools should be integrated into post-commit processes to ensure that new code introduced is proactively scanned for vulnerabilities.

In this article, we’ll examine the rationale for DevSecOps, how to create a DevSecOps team, and how to use DevSecOps to impress upon your organization that security is everybody’s job. There are a bunch of tools that can help secure your apps and many of them are free. Learn more about how to use them in the video that goes along with this article. As companies get larger there is often more software, cloud technologies and DevOps methodologies. 80-90% of many codebases consist of open source code, modules, and libraries. The frameworks and libraries that you import can themselves import more frameworks and libraries.

What is the DevSecOps culture?

Guide (code and/or document) to application owner access to logging, monitoring, and alerting services; use of the guide should suffice for an application owner to configure and manage their logs, monitoring, and alerts. The guide should also cover logging configuration for centralized security monitoring by SecOps. All of the components described below are going to imply the necessity for some foundational elements; for example, infrastructure-as-code, source control, automation, clear communication pipelines, and many others. Individual platforms may implement these differently, but we will see those common elements emerge as designed. Continuous learning and skill development are also vital for successful automation implementation. Security professionals need to stay updated with the latest automation techniques, tools and security practices.

How does DevSecOps Work

DevSecOps is an iteration of DevOps in the sense that DevSecOps has taken the DevOps model and wrapped security as an additional layer to the continual development and operations process. Instead of looking at security as an afterthought, DevSecOps pulls in Application Security teams early to fortify the development process from a security and vulnerability mitigation perspective. DevOps – short for development & operations, solely focuses on collaboration between these two integral teams in the development process. Here, these two teams work together to develop processes, KPIs and milestones to target collaboratively.

Integrating Security into the 5 Stages of DevOps

If you’re not already on board with DevSecOps, now is the time to start adapting your business to this new way of thinking about software development and security. The IT infrastructure landscape has undergone exponential changes over the past decade. The shift to agile cloud computing platforms, shared storage and data, and dynamic applications has brought huge benefits to organizations looking to thrive and grow through the use of advanced applications and services. By ensuring that security is present during every stage of the software delivery lifecycle, we experience continuous integration where the cost of compliance is reduced and software is delivered and released faster.

How does DevSecOps Work

They create the CWE-25 which is their list of the 25 most dangerous software weaknesses. There are two different important lists of weaknesses in web applications. The first list is created by the Open Web Application Security Project . They have a popular list called the OWASP Top 10 that features the most commonly exploited vulnerabilities.

Software development lifecycle

Threats are on the rise, and the damage caused by successful attacks is getting worse. According to a Digital Guardian study, the average cost of a single corporate data breach in 2019 was $8.2 million, or $242 per breached record. For healthcare companies, the cost per breached record is nearly twice that; these breaches can take nearly eight months to identify, and even longer to actually clean up. Any effort that can be undertaken to help stem this costly tide can be of considerable benefit to the enterprise, and DevSecOps can be a key tool in that arsenal.

Software teams use DevSecOps to comply with regulatory requirements by adopting professional security practices and technologies. For example, software teams use AWS Security Hub to automate security checks against industry standards. By investing in continuous skill development, teams can equip themselves with the necessary expertise to tackle new security challenges effectively. Furthermore, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing within the team encourages the exchange of insights and lessons learned from security incidents or successful security measures. Another challenge is the complexity and maintenance of automated security processes. Developing and maintaining these processes requires expertise in both security and automation.

The Benefits of Adopting DevSecOps

DevSecOps is not created by simply taking your development, operations and security team members and putting them together. In fact, many different DevSecOps structures exist, ranging from relatively siloed designs where all three sides work independently to fully integrated operations where duties are freely shared among team members. In general, the goal should be to create a structure that provides as much collaboration and transparency as possible. Adding extra routines in the form of new security operations and checkpoints will naturally slow down the development pipeline, possibly leading to frustration in your development team.


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