As long as you pick yourself back up after being down, you will be fine. So, we should accept any emotions that come our way and decide to work through them. We don’t have to run from anything now so whatever we feel, that’s fine for now. We don’t need an outside stimulus, like drugs or alcohol, to change our emotions. How we decide to feel about certain circumstances and our own emotions is up to us.

Successful people take care of their responsibilities sober, they deal with ups and down sober and enjoy life to the fullest also sober. People addicted to drugs often become so dependent on them to numb their negative emotions that for them, happiness becomes this fake thing that only lasts for a small period of time. Often they are convinced that everyone else does some kind of drug, pills or alcohol to cope with life and enjoy life, but that’s not the case. If you’re worried about the challenges involved with living a sober life, you may be interested to learn there are a few things you can do to prepare.

Finding the Meaning to The Sober Life

One of the major benefits of sobriety is that you will regain the patience, time, and ability you need to build long-lasting relationships. Once sober, you can use this ability to make up for lost time and make new friendships. Another reason why your energy is often lower while abusing substances than it is while sober is because addiction causes you to not get good sleep. Because you aren’t receiving good sleep when suffering from addiction, your body is not getting the proper time and rest that it needs to refuel itself. This also means that living a sober life will help you gain your energy back.

Learning to find your strength and ground yourself when they strike is essential. However, it is worth it, and you will thank yourself for putting in the effort when you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Take time to look at all of the wildflowers stretching out towards the sun or the small bees buzzing through the tall grass. We lead such chaotic and non-stop lives that we fail to pause and see the beauty all around us. When we can see the beauty around us, we can center our minds and find our inner calm.

Support Groups

Instead, focus on things, experiences, and activities that will support your new, healthy lifestyle. In fact, being sober can make your life more fun and rewarding than it’s ever been before. Define sobriety in a way that makes the approach you take to healing from substance abuse as realistic and practical as possible. Meditation has been proven to have health benefits for everyone, including addicts. It calms anxiety, reduces stress and controls pain-  many triggers which cause people to use.

That’s because so much more goes into sobriety than just staining from a particular substance. When living a sober life after addiction, your overall health improves immensely. This is because you’re no longer attacking your body by putting dangerous amounts of toxic substances in it. Although the media may make getting drunk and using drugs seem appealing and fun, the effects of abusing substances are not. Hangovers are not fun, throwing up is not fun, embarrassing yourself is not fun, getting withdrawal symptoms due to drug dependency is far from fun, and suffering from addiction to drugs is insufferable. When you’re using drugs or alcohol, you can feel like you’re skating through life, but never really feeling or being in any of the moments.

Recovery Life Coach vs. Addiction Therapist

Remember what you worked hard to achieve and take your power back. There is no shame in needing support as you navigate through a sober lifestyle. When you’re sober, you have more time and mental energy to spend on the people who matter most to you. Without the distraction of wondering when you can go get drunk or high, you’ll be able to stay physically and emotionally present with others.

I no longer needed to stay at a dead end job because they put up with my less than stellar performance and I no longer had to miss out on new opportunities. Opland added that one of the biggest barriers to people exploring an alcohol-free lifestyle is peer pressure from society itself. DENVER — Sydney Golden battled various unknown health issues for 20 years; everything from allergies, reasons to be sober headaches, bloating, joint pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Visits to medical specialists didn’t give her any concrete answers and she was repeatedly told nothing was wrong with her. You went to rehab and now you are clean and ready to start your life again, but you now realize that you lost the trust of your family. Entertain yourself because you are the most important person.

Live fully, for life.

If you’re in recovery from a substance use disorder, you already know how much work it took to achieve sobriety, and you’ll want to do everything possible to avoid having a relapse. It may seem that relapse is the last thing that could happen to you, but the truth is they are very common for people new to recovery. I had a picture of what living sober would be like, and it was dismal and dark. The reason I coach women over 40 is to help you paint a new picture without alcohol because as age, new challenges arise that make life challenging, and a little dark. The sober curious movement has gained steam recently, such as with the rise of interest in “Dry January” — a time when participants decide to not drink for the month of January.

  • People will assume you drink and will be very curious about why you don’t have a drink in your hand when they do.
  • A partner can give you strength in the morning or can make you feel that you are leaving the house broken.
  • A sober lifestyle is a simple plan that helps you get up in the morning take care of yourself first thing not put yourself off, so the stresses of your day end up causing you to drink at the end of the day.
  • The first step to living a sober lifestyle is to understand your triggers.
  • You can do this by reading affirmations out loud, visualizing your goals, or writing them down and sticking them up somewhere where you’ll see them every day.

By acknowledging gratitude for a second chance at life, you help secure your future. It helps so you do not forget what it used to be like, and start slipping back into old ways. If you are one of the lucky few who have been able to stop, an awareness of how fortunate you are will help you from going backward. Even if talking to another seems scary, you may find you are capable of being honest through writing in a journal. By getting out your feelings you can come to terms with them. You may find compassion for yourself when you realize many of your behaviors came out of fear and pain.


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